SQL Test - INDE 498A                         NAME: ___Solution_Set_____
   Spring 2002
   (All questions worth 8 points except for question 6 which is worth 12 points)
   My best answers are in blue.
   Please use the following tables from a THEME_PARK database to answer the questions on this test:
   Please Note that the database is available for SELECT commands at 
                Ride              |      Ride_Schedule
   Ride_ID    Name      Age Height| Ride_FK Operator_FK Shift Date	
      0	Ferris_Wheel     8  1.0	  |   0	        0         1   06-05-2002	
      1	Roller_Coaster  10  1.1	  |   0	        2         2   06-05-2002	
      2	Scrambler        9  1.1   |   1	        1         1   06-05-2002	
      3	Superman        12  1.2	  |   1	        0         2   06-05-2002	
      4	Tea_Cups         4  0.6	  |   3	        3         1   06-05-2002	
      5	Water_Slide      8  0.8	  |   3	        1         2   06-05-2002						
                                  |   4	        2         1   06-05-2002						
                                  |   4	        4         2   06-05-2002						
              Operator         |       Manager	
    Operator_ID  Name  Yr_Exp  | Mngr_ID Name Yr_Exp
       0         Jim     2     |   0     Chachi  12
       1         Bill    2     |   1     Lili     8
       2         Sue     6     |		
       3         Jane    1     |		
       4         Pat     4     |		
   1. Put the letter of the task (work) on the right in front of the person on the left who usually performs it in a very large organization (put one letter in front of each of the six tasks):
       _A_ Asks questions about entities and relationships             A. Database Modeler
           during a database development project			
       _D_ Answers those questions about entities and relationships    B. Database Administrator
       _B_ Offers expertise about computer storage devices
       _B_ Designs a database backup strategy                          C. Data Analyst
       _C_ Understands the use of logic in asking for information
           from the database tables                                    D. Organizational Management
       _D_ Reviews the reports prepared specifically for high level use
   2. For the four tables in the THEME_PARK database, identify whether each is an entity or relationship
       (circle either Entity or Relationship for each table):
	   Ride            Entity      Relationship
	   Ride_Schedule   Entity      Relationship
	   Operator        Entity      Relationship
	   Manager         Entity      Relationship
   3. To request that a Relational Database Management System prepare a result set showing a simple list of all Rides scheduled for operation today (June 5, 2002) the best SQL command would be (circle the one best answer):
       A.  SELECT ALL Ride.Name from Ride, Ride_Schedule WHERE Ride_ID=Ride_FK				
       B.  SELECT DISTINCT Ride.Name from Ride, Ride_Schedule WHERE Ride_ID=Ride_FK
       C.  SELECT ALL Ride.Name from Ride_Schedule
       D.  SELECT DISTINCT Ride.Name from Ride_Schedule
       E.  SELECT Ride.Name from Ride
   How many rows would be returned in the result set (NOT including the header row)?  _4_
   4. You want to see the Rides listed in alphabetical order. Which clause would you add to your SQL query to produce the ordering you desire (circle the one best answer):
       A. ORDER BY Ride.Name
       C. ALPHA ON Ride.Name
       D. ALPHA ASC 
   5. A colleague of yours in your organization processes the following valid SQL command:
           ALTER TABLE Operator ADD COLUMN Boss text
      You want to fill the new column such that Chachi manages anyone with 3 or less years of experience. Complete the 
      SQL commands that will fill the column out correctly according to this desire (fill in all the blanks):
      UPDATE _Operator_ SET _Boss='Chachi' WHERE _Yr_Exp<4
      UPDATE _Operator_ SET _Boss='Lili' WHERE _Yr_Exp>3
   6. Show the result sets for the following commands (prepare the header row and the result detail row(s)) as an SQL processing engine would produce). Tell me why a query would return nothing if you think that is the case:
       SELECT Operator.Name FROM Ride_Schedule, Operator WHERE Shift=1 and Operator_FK=Operator_ID
       SELECT AVG(Age) AS Avg_Age FROM Ride WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Ride WHERE Ride_ID=1 OR Ride_ID=3 OR Ride_ID=5)
       SELECT Ride.Name FROM Ride WHERE Age<6 AND HEIGHT<1.0
       SELECT COUNT(Height) AS Shorts FROM Ride,Ride_Schedule,Operator,Manager WHERE Manager.Name='Chachi' 
       AND Manager.Name=Boss AND Operator_ID = Operator_FK AND Ride_ID = Ride_FK
       (note this assumes you have processed the command from question 5 properly)
       (Note: On this one, I will only subtract 1 point if you said 3 because you read my intent and not the SQL 
       join. I will give 1 point extra credit to those who said 5 because you get rows for both shifts).
   7. You are investigating a Java servlet that runs with the THEME_PARK database. You see the following piece of code:
       ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Ride_Schedule, Operator WHERE Name='Bill' AND " +
       int count=0;
       while (rs.next()) {
       What will the count variable's value be after the while statement completes?  _2_
   8. You want to produce the following SQL query engine result set:
       Ride_Name		  Operator
       ---------------   ---------------
       Roller_Coaster    Jim
       Superman          Bill
       Complete the following SQL command that will produce the desired result set:
       SELECT _Ride.Name AS Ride_Name_, _Operator.Name AS Operator_ FROM _Ride_, _Ride_Schedule_, _Operator_
       WHERE Shift =_2_ AND Age > _9_ AND _Operator_ID_ = _Operator_FK_ AND _Ride_ID_ = _Ride_FK_
   9. A brand new Ride named Freefall will be introduced tomorrow at the Theme Park. Which SQL command will properly set a record up in the Ride Table:
       A. INSERT INTO Ride VALUES (6, 'Freefall', 12, 1.2)
       B. UPDATE Ride INSERT (6, 'Freefall', 12, 1.2)
       C. UPDATE Ride NEW VALUES (6, 'Freefall', 12, 1.2)
       D. INSERT (6, 'Freefall', 12, 1.2) INTO Ride
       E. INSERT VALUES (6, 'Freefall', 12, 1.2) INTO Ride
   Would you use an executeQuery() or executeUpdate() SQL command servlet statement method to process the command above?
     (circle either:   executeQuery()  or  executeUpdate() )
   10. You want your two most experienced (based on number of years experience) employees to operate the 
       new Freefall on tomorrow's Ride_Schedule entries (06-06-2002). Write 2 (two!) proper SQL statements 
       to make the Ride_Schedule table agree with your intentions:
       INSERT INTO Ride_Schedule VALUES(6,2,1,'06-06-2002')
       INSERT INTO Ride_Schedule VALUES(6,4,1,'06-06-2002')
   11. You decide that adding the Boss column to the Operator table is sloppy and prefer instead to create a Manages table 
       that connects the Operator and Manager via Mngr_FK and Operator_FK attributes instead.
     Would the Manages table be an Entity table or Relationship table (circle one)?     Entity  Relationship
     If you filled the Manages table in properly so Chachi manages all employees with 3 or less years of experience and Lili manages the rest (circle one of the numbers for each of the four questions):
       How many times would the number 0 appear in the Mngr_FK field of the Manages table?      0  1  2  3  4
       How many times would the number 1 appear in the Mngr_FK field of the Manages table?      0  1  2  3  4
       How many times would the number 0 appear in the Operator_FK field of the Manages table?  0  1  2  3  4
       How many times would the number 1 appear in the Operator_FK field of the Manages table?  0  1  2  3  4
   12. You want to create an SQL query engine result set with a single row (tuple) that reports the Shift 
       with the larger total number of years experience (sum of Yr_Exp attribute for all Operators on 
       the shift):
   Which Shift number would you expect to appear in the result set (circle 1 or 2)?  1  2
   Which of the following SQL fragments (pieces) could appear in the query you would write to obtain the above result set?
   (circle all that would appear)
   A. MAX(SUM(Yr_Exp))
   B. GROUP BY Shift
   C. LIMIT 1
   D. SUM (Yr_Exp)
   E. WHERE Shift >
   For extra credit (make sure you have time to answer this), write a valid SQL query to generate the result: