Virtual Seattle: Elliott Bay bathymetric data combined with photographic imagery creates this unique view of a virtual Puget Sound.
Virtual Seattle VR: Elliott Bay bathymetric data combined with photographic imagery (taken by Carlen Tapp at Tapp Studios) creates this unique QuickTimeVR Panoramic view of a virtual Puget Sound.
Puget Sound Circulation: A 3/4 view showing the animation of surface currents and salinity of North Puget Sound. Data source: Mitsuhiro Kawase, UW.
Elliott Bay/Duwamish Fecal Coliform Concentrations: Combining Fecal Coliform data acquired from King County dept. of Natural Resoures with bathymetry and topography from Ralph Haguerud, USGS.
Tidal Currents of Puget Sound: A visualization of Puget Sound circulation created with model output from Mitsuhiro Kawase, UW and topography data from Ralph Haguerud, USGS.
South Sound Contours: Data from Miles Logsdon, UW was used to generate this interactive topography of Puget Sound that allows users to raise or lower water level.
Measurement of Sediment Crossing the Continental Shelf-Slope Break at the Head of a Submarine Canyon: Image produced in conjunction with the UW Marine Sedimentology Laboratory directed by Chuck Nittrouer. Sediment dispersal observations are largely from Beth Mullenbach, and the morphology is from Pere Puig.
North California Current Ecosystem: Visual representation for a fisheries ecosystem plan for the North California Current. Data source: Robert Francis
Overview of NEPTUNE Underwater Observatory: Image illustrating the water volume characteristics, NEPTUNE node geometries for instrumenting oceanographic and geophysical processes.
North California Current Ecosystem: Visual representation for a fisheries ecosystem plan for the North California Current.
Networks and Sensors: Axial Seamount bathymetric data from Ridge Multibeam Synthesis Project combined with conceptual NEPTUNE sensor network.
Earthquakes; Land Networks '91-'97: A visualization of earthquake magnitudes from William Wilcock. Accompanying this visualization is an informative cross-section illustrating geophysical processes.