JS Basic
JS Introduction
JS How To
JS Where To
JS Variables
JS Operators
JS Functions
JS Conditional
JS Looping
JS Guidelines

JS Advanced
JS String Object
JS Array Object
JS Date Object
JS Math Object
JS Window
JS Form
JS Browser

JS Examples
JS Quiz Test

JS Objects

JS Books

JavaScript How To ...


Write text
How to write text on a page

How to Put a JavaScript Into an HTML Document

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Hello World!")

And it produces this output:

Hello World!

To insert a script in an HTML document, use the <script> tag. Use the type attribute to define the scripting language.

<script type="text/javascript">

Then comes the JavaScript: In JavaScript the command for writing some text on a page is document.write

document.write("Hello World!")

The script ends:


Inserting Text With HTML Formatting

Write text with formatting
How to format the text on your page with HTML tags

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")

Ending Statements with a Semicolon?

With the traditional programming languages C++ and Java, each code statement has to end with a semicolon.

Many programmers continue this habit when writing JavaScript, but in general, semicolons are optional and are required only if you want to put more than one statement on a single line.

How to Handle Older Browsers

Older browsers that do not support scripts will display the script as page content. To prevent them from doing this, you can use the HTML comment tag:

<script type="text/javascript">
    some statements

The two forward slashes in front of the end of comment line (//) are a JavaScript comment symbol, and prevent the JavaScript from trying to compile the line.

Note that you can't put // in front of the first comment line (like //<!--), because older browser will display it. Funny? Yes ! But that's the way it is.